
9 September 2021. 

Quad bikes are a popular choice for both recreation and work - but they can also be dangerous.

For too long now, quad bike users have been over-represented in serious injury statistics, with more than fifty Queenslanders killed using quad bikes since 2011.

That’s why AgForce is encouraging members to take part in this Workplace Health and Safety Queensland quad bike safety survey.

The survey takes just 15 minutes to complete - with results contributing to a better understanding of current attitudes, beliefs and behaviours around quad bike safety in Queensland, and a clear focus on the most important issues to be tackled.

Undertaken in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (2014), information provided will be treated as confidential and will only be released in a manner that prevents individual identification.

To begin the survey, click on the link and submit your response by Thursday 30 September 2021.

To verify the validity of the survey or if you have any problems completing it, please call 1300 362 128 or email

We urge you to get involved to help improve safety in Queensland’s rural communities.