
27 August 2024.

AgForce is a peak organisation representing Queensland’s rural producers.  We exist to ensure the long-term growth, viability, competitiveness, and profitability of broadacre industries of cattle, grain, cane, sheep wool & goats in Queensland.

The AgForce Producer of the Year, recognises an AgForce member who strives to promote and reinforce AgForce values and their significant contribution to the agriculture industry.

Eligibility Criteria and Nomination Process

  1. Nominees must be an AgForce Member to nominate or be nominated for an award. (current AgForce Board ineligible to apply)
  2. An award is presented to a member who has made a significant contribution to the agricultural industry in line with the AgForce Value & nomination criteria:
    1. Industry Excellence
    2. Passionate Leadership
    3. Community Focus
  3. The AgForce Nomination Form must be used – the form provides an explanation and overview of each value’s meaning, giving a criterion as such for the selection panel.
  4. A justification for ‘why’ and ‘how’ must support the nomination. For example; describing the behaviours or/and examples of work achieved, or how their actions contributed to the industry.
  5. Nominations are to remain confidential.
  6. Nominations are collated and put forward to Nominated Award Selection Panel to assess validity and vote.
  7. All Nominees are to receive a letter from Georgie Somerset, General President AgForce, recognising and acknowledging their nomination, and thank you for their contribution.
  8. Award winners will be presented with a certificate and plaque at Annual AGM Forum.

Nominations open: Tuesday 27 August 2024

Nominations close: Tuesday 15 October 2024

Winner announced: Tuesday 12 November 2024