
4 June 2024. Michael Guerin, AgForce CEO. 

After so many months of AgForce fighting for the common sense rights of thousands of rural people in this state who rely on the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) - we can celebrate another significant win.

Last Friday I proudly stood beside Premier Steven Miles on behalf of industry, as he announced the State Government will introduce new landmark laws to permanently ban Carbon Capture and Storage throughout the GAB in Queensland.

It was a remarkable moment in our campaign to protect this national treasure, ensuring the GAB is safeguarded for generations to come from potentially irreversible damage.

It came just a week after the State Department blocked Glencore/CTSCo’s plan to pump more than 300,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide industrial waste into the GAB.

The leadership of our State Premier in going beyond the EIS process to implement broader protections through changes to state policy settings was fantastic and he rightly deserves to be commended for that.

All we need now is the same leadership from our Federal Minister for the Environment Tanya Plibersek.

The GAB does not stop at the Queensland state border. The regulators’ own scientific research shows it is an interconnected system of aquifers.  The GAB is a matter of national environmental significance and needs to be treated as such.

By waving through the Glencore proposal on February 9 2022, the previous Federal Government set a precedent that continues to stand. That is - until the present Federal Minister pulls it back in for review – something she has the power to do.

So as a result, AgForce continues to hold its scheduled Federal court dates of August 1 and 2 seeking a judicial review of that initial decision.  

However, we do not want to exercise our right to that day in court, and would gladly withdraw our case the moment the Minister recalls that February 9 2022 decision for departmental review.

We would also acknowledge the Federal Minister's leadership should she do so – as we did last week with our State Premier.  Please Minister, give us the chance to acknowledge your leadership and save us the costs and emotional toll of a court hearing.  We are in your hands – over to you.