AgForce membership doesn’t cost, it pays!

AgForce offer a range of free or heavily discounted services to assist members.

Call us on 07 3236 3100 or talk to your AgForce Regional Manager for more information.

GIS Services

AgForce GIS Services offers a diverse range of mapping and training services for producers and organisations seeking assistance with property mapping and spatial analysis to ensure they have access to the tools and technology required to best manage their business or project. AgForce members receive a 35 to 40% discount on the range of products. In the past 12 months the majority of services commissioned by producers have been mapping of properties, converting vegetation areas to GPS tracks and property computer mapping training. Call the AgForce office to get in touch with the GIS Services team.

Grain Harvest Management Scheme

GHMS recognises the difficulty of in-field and on-farm loading of a bulk commodity such as grain, with varying moisture contents and densities, to within an accurate weight tolerance. The scheme is designed to alleviate some of these uncertainties by allowing scheme participants to take advantage of certain “flexibilities” set above normal regulation mass limits when field loading bulk commodities. GHMS functions each year from 1 July to 30 June the following year. The scheme is designed to benefit the grain industry, the community and the road transport industry.

AgForce Training

Members can access a range of training solutions designed by industry for industry through AgForce Training.

AgForce Training

Work, Health and Safefy

AgForce is here to support all members with their workforce, industrial relations and safety requirements.

AgForce has a dedicated Workforce and Safety Policy Director, that is supported by a member-lead committee. If you require guidance or assistance with anything pertaining to workforce or safety, please call the office and staff will happily assist.

Full members have access to a dedicated Industrial Relations expert.

Industrial Relations

AgForce provides free Industrial Relations advice and tools to members.

Industry Intelligence

Stay up-to-date on significant industry issues and AgForce activities through our members- only communiques, like quarterly Envoy magazine, weekly e-newsletter and ‘Member Alert’ emails on critical and urgent issues.

Valuation Services

Members throughout most of Queensland can access free rural property valuation advice and support from John Moore, a valuer with 15 years’ experience. John’s fees for more in- depth consultations and on-the-ground work at your property are heavily discounted and are available only for members.