Please find the latest news from AgForce below.
26 Sep 2023
Prepare now: El Nino declaration urges producers to prepare properties for bushfire season
QRIDA - prepare for bushfire season.
26 Sep 2023
Government services in North-west Queensland to meet biosecurity concerns.
26 Sep 2023
Don't sideline agriculture!
Environmental law reform needs to engage with the agriculture industry.
19 Sep 2023
Moo Baa Munch Toowoomba - we need you!
AgForce SIPP's annual Moo Baa Munch, 24 - 25 October 2023 at Downlands is shaping up to be our biggest yet.
19 Sep 2023
The climate opportunity for agriculture.
Climate variability is a source of confusion and uncertainty for many but also a fantastic opportunity for positive change in our agricultural sector.
12 Sep 2023
Landowners largely ignored in review.
The Queensland Government is reviewing requirements for wind farm developments, largely ignoring landholders.
12 Sep 2023
AgForce applauds the work of Australian officials in Indonesia.
Suspension lifted for cattle and buffalo exports.
12 Sep 2023
R U OK? Day 2023: Making time to be ‘here to hear’ in rural Australia.
R U OK? are calling on Australians in rural and remote communities to let the people they care about know; ‘I’m here to hear’, every day of the year.
12 Sep 2023
Proposed changes to the Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme – consultation now on!
DCCEEW now consulting on the next phase on proposed changes to the Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme.
05 Sep 2023
National Farmer Priorities Survey
Have your say on the issues that matter.