Please find the latest news from AgForce below.
08 Mar 2021
Paying tribute to the women of agriculture
By AgForce Young Producer’s Council Member Helen Woodland.
02 Mar 2021
AgForce’s Young Producers’ Council setting the agenda for the future of agriculture
By AgForce Young Producers’ Council Chair James Henderson.
01 Mar 2021
#BetterTogether: New initiative to improve the power grid for landowners
The agriculture and energy partnership to transform electricity delivery for rural communities.
25 Feb 2021
AgForce welcomes breakthrough technology to predict bushfires
Learning from Australia’s devastating Black Summer fire season.
23 Feb 2021
When it comes to the Reef it seems agriculture will never be green enough for some
By AgForce General President Georgie Somerset.
22 Feb 2021
Scenes of summer photo competition run and won
Take a look at the winning photos!
22 Feb 2021
New committee Chairs set to shape the future of agriculture
Enthusiastic members put their best foot forward for AgForce.
19 Feb 2021
Scholarship grants for women seeking leadership in agriculture
Be a leader in your field
16 Feb 2021
Have your say on coal seam gas mining
Queensland Gas Fields Commission’s review of the Regional Planning Interests Act 2014
16 Feb 2021
Being counted in not the same as rolling over on the environment and climate
It’s about us having a genuine seat at the table.